So, did any of you score any Black Friday quilty deals??? I was going to, but, then I had second, third and fourth thoughts!
I had my shopping cart filled out, and, ready to click check out; and, then, I turned around and looked at my very ample stash. Those overflowing bins of fabric that I have been trying to deplete for a few years - sigh.
Next, I went into the next room where my quilt closet is. You know, that area where you hang all your finished quilt tops that are ready to be quilted?? I do all my own quilting so I have hangers and hangers of quilt tops. I also have stacks of wide-backs and a whole roll of batting all ready for these quilts. Some of them I have even already prepared the binding for. Some of these quilt tops have been hanging there for years. Double sigh!!
I came back out into my quilt studio and saw a quilt that has been on my machine quilting frame for a VERY LONG time!!!! Triple sigh!!!

I worked steadily through the last few rows of my Sew Kind of Wonderful, Urban Abacus, quilt and finished the quilting last night!!! Wahoo!!! I quilted this quilt in two colours of Fil Tech Glide thread. The motifs are Ribbon Twist and Pebbling. (I NEED to lay off the Pebbling for a while now LOL!) The quilt is squared up, the hanging sleeve is attached, and, the binding is prepared.
I have to say, even though I wanted the fabric in my shopping cart, I didn't need any of it. All it would have done is add to something that causes me stress! I know that not everyone is like that but I am :-( When I get stressed - I avoid. And avoiding stresses me out. So, I have decided to get going on what I have :-) And frankly, I really like what I have to do!
The only thing that I will allow myself to purchase is any thread that I need and maybe backing fabrics ;-) Sound fair??
Next up - two charity quilts that I can load together and probably finish today with a loose, easy all over pattern.
Wahoo for renewed determination and purpose!!