I am so excited!
I actually have another finish!! This is Urban Chained by Sew Kind of Wonderful. This pattern really appealed to me in it's simplicity and clean lines. I also really liked the size - 46" x 74" - a perfect lap size.
I started this quilt a while back and just loved making the top! It was really enjoyable and stress-free to complete and the instructions were great! What held me back from finishing it?? Well, this is going to sound silly - but - I couldn't find a backing that I liked and I really didn't want to buy MORE fabric when my stash is completely overflowing and seems to grow overnight - sigh.
I thought that I had grouped all of my flannels in a certain storage area in my quilting studio; but, I guess I didn't because I found just enough flannel to back this quilt :-)

I purchased this flannel several years ago with the intention of making some PJ pants and never got around to it :-D Now I am so glad I procrastinated! How often can you say that??

The colours fit well with the colours on the front and it fits the bill being a nice soft flannel. Win - win for me!! Wahoo!

I took a nod from the pattern itself for my quilting. I used 40 wt FilTech Glide thread in Cotton Candy to do this all over wave pattern. This colour could easily go over a LOT of quilts and I think it will become a staple in my thread supply. I love the movement the thread adds to this quilt and the juxtaposition to the vertical rows of piecing.
All in all - I am really happy with this quilt and I can't say that all the time :-) What do you all think??