Hi all!
Frequent readers of my, now, sporadic blog will know that I don’t like sharing photos of myself very often so I thought that I would share this one from this summer. I attended an outdoor, socially distanced, wedding of a dear friend this summer. Of course I made the mask and bought the dress to match the shoes! I thought that was just a given LOL! These shoes are the awesome Fluevog shoes in the Achiever line! Some quilting friends asked me where I got them, at the wedding, so I am providing the link ;-)
2020 has certainly been a unique year for all of us. Quilting has given way to mask making for me but I am happy to use my talents, and, my stash, for something worthwhile and something that helps. Thank goodness for my son’s help and the mask dies or I never would have been able to make the thousands of masks I have made! Yes, you read that correctly! I think I am over 4000 masks! So, I think you get the reason I haven’t been posting on my blog as much. I have been making masks and selling them on my page! I didn’t want to turn my blog into an advertisement for my masks so it has fallen to the wayside for a bit. So sorry!

I have been able to get some quilting done. UFO’s mostly and man this feels so good!! Now that mask making has slowed down a bit, and, my longarm is finally uncovered, I am going to get back to quilting!! You honestly have no idea how happy this had made me. I would look over at my longarm, and then look at the pile of masks, to sew, for orders, and, go sew masks. I mean, this won’t last forever! I hope!
At the start of the pandemic I did get some serious quilting hours in though! I finished this scrappy log cabin that I have been working on, on and off, for several years!
Look at this beauty! Log Cabins are seriously one of my favourite scrap quilts. They always look so good! I love looking at scrap quilts and remembering where I used the fabrics and recalling the stories behind them. I love how they always seem to work!!! Some of those fabrics that you think won’t work always seem to work and become the ZING in the quilt that makes it sing! The turquoise and chartreuse just make my heart happy!

To quilt this quilt I decided on a large meander and feather. I am sure there are YouTube videos on this; but, honestly you just quilt (the section you are working on) in a large meander and then feather each side of it in your favourite way to feather. It looks so much more difficult than it is, I promise! Next time I am quilting this I might make a video on this. I use 40 weight Glide Thread in the Sand colour and used the prewound bobbins in the matching colour. I love using the prewounds! They hold so much more thread on them and tension beautifully for me - remember to take out your backlash spring or use a separate bobbin case for it though!
So, what is next for me? I have taken a bunch of pictures of what i have been working on and I will get back into the groove of sharing with you all again!! I miss the community of quilters! What about you all?
How have you been doing?