Hi all! I got this months issue of Rug Hooking Magazine and they had a pattern in it for a gripper frame cover that you could make to suit your particular gripper frame. I really liked the idea of it so I made it up yesterday using some blue tapestry fabric that i had lying around. I quite like the way that it turned out. At least those shar grippers are covered now :)
Now I just need to make an edge cover for my frame. I really like the ones that you can get made out of polar fleece but I'm sorry I refuse to pay $50.00 to buy one! LOL.

This is my latest 2" squares "leaders and enders" project. I saw this one the cover of a block somewhere and really liked it as an easy pattern to use up my 2" squares. I didn't actually buy the book b/c the pattern was pretty easy to figure out without even opening the cover. Here is
a link to the method that I use for my 2" squares. I used the same approach for doing the white units as well. It's a nice way to use up fabric and make something while you're working on something else. I would never be able to sew this many 2" squares together all at once but to do one at a time is great!
What do you all think?