Hi all!
It feels like lately all I do is t-shirt quilts! Believe me I am not complaining :-D I love making memory quilts. There is something so special about them!
This particular quilt is for an avid concert-goer. She has a LARGE collection of concert shirts. But, these were the 12 shirts that she could "part" with. I told her - this way she could enjoy these 12 shirts, and memories, every day instead of one at a time if she happened to wear the shirt that day.

These are some good memories! Not to mention some great concerts I bet! Sorry for the shadow across the quilt. The day was sunny and perfect temperature at the cottage and this is my favourite spot for taking photos. I can't redo it because the quilt has been delivered!

I quilted the quilt in a simple meander pattern using 40 wt Glide Thread in a light blue top and bobbin. I used a light blue backing fabric as well in a colour that matches the light blue April Wine t-shirt in the middle. I also used the same fabric for the binding and I love how it framed the quilt! I looked at black or navy for the binding but there is so much black and navy in the quilt already it would have "floated the edge instead of providing a frame - does that make sense?
Right after this quilt was taken off the frame I quilted my LEGO Mini Figure t-shirt quilt and got to finishing it up.

I'm almost finished the binding on it; but, for now I will work on this during the daylight hours. I'll show this quilt soon - after the last stitches are taken. And, if you can believe it, I have two more t-shirt quilt commissions that have come in that I will get started on this weekend!
Happy Long Weekend everyone! I hope that you get a few stitches in!!