First I apologize for the horrible quality of these photos!! My camera was dieing while I was trying to take these so I did the best that I could!
I thought that I would share a couple photos of two of the people's quilts who took my
Crazy Short Cut Quilts class at
Sew Inspired. I think that they turned out just wonderfully so I had to share!

This is Sandy's CSCQ that she made using
Kaffe Fassett fabrics on the front and back. She did the 30 block quilt or bed sized for her daughter. She used mostly satin stitches so the stitching really really shows up and is absolutely spectacular! It was a real show-stopper quilt that got a lot of attention at the quilt show. And deservedly I think! The rich colours just draw you in.
Her lucky daughter!

This is Nicole's CSCQ! She made it from her stash and it turned out wonderfully! It has a really Christmasy feel to my eye ~ then again I just love Christmas quilts so much so I probably see them everywhere LOL! Can you believe by the second class in the series Nicole had two sets of blocks done!? What a hard-worker! Nicole also used mostly satin stitches and the look is truly spectacular. These two quilts really make me re-think my love of the lighter antique stitches on my machine hmmm. The lighter stitches are definately faster but the heavier stitches really have a more dramatic effect to them. It's a compromise I suppose!