I thought that I would show a picture of my finished Welcome Mat. It is sitting on my deacon's bench right inside of my sewing room door. My plan was that if I put that on the bench we would all stop throwing our stuff there ;) It actually works to an extent but my boys keep throwing their hats on the bench LOL! The background sky is higgidy piggidy again as I just absolutely love this affect. It look like heat waves or wind. I kept the hooking very easy and used a #8 cut. Nice and fast and very relaxing to do. That was exactly what I wanted.
This is a little mat that was a kit! It measures just 8" x 5" and is a #6 cut. I haven't worked from a kit for a while so this was a nice little project. I think that the snowman is looking very frightened of the cardinal don't you think LOL!!?? And, that's either the world's largest cardinal or the world's smallest snowman! This will be given away as a Christmas gift so it is nice to have it all done and ready to go. I just have to make a bent wire hanger for it. A friend gave me some wire to do this but I just haven't done it quite yet.
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