After buying the magazine I went on the All People Quilt website and guess what? The little pattern is up for free LOL! If you would like to make your own clutch you can find it here.
Have you noticed that everyone seems to be playing with hexagons lately? Hexagons are all over the blogs so I thought I'd better not be left behind! I cut the plastic templates from cream cheese and yogurt lids etc and then got some great Amy Butler and Michael Miller etc fabrics and decided to see if I liked the process. I do! It's a nice hand project and it's quite relaxing. I made most of these in the car the other day. Don't worry - I wasn't driving. I love the way the hexagons look in modern fabrics. It's a nice juxtaposition to the old hexagon quilts. I'm not really sure how I am going to arrange these yet - but so far so good!
If you want to try your hand at making the hexagons there are many tutorials on the web for making them. Just try Googling hexagon quilt tutorial! There are lots! I didn't like using paper for my templates though - I found it slipped. So, that's why I chose the plastic instead. Either method works.
Last night was our Silver Thimbles night and we had a couple of group photos to take to show off our quilting! I know that I finished this sampler a while ago but somehow my camera memory card got corrupted and I couldn't retrieve our photo so we took another one. This sampler I started back in 2001! Needless to say I am thrilled it is finished and photographed. You can read more about the story of the sampler here if you like ;-) It really has had quite the journey! This quilt is now back on our bad and I smile every time I look at it.
We also were able to photograph Joan's lovely charm quilt. Every fabric is different in this quilt! It was really fun to work on since it was so fun to look at all the different fabrics. There were many vintage fabrics in this quilt and what amazed me, as we quilted it, was how many of the older fabrics are right back in style again. So many of the fabrics from the 1950's 60's 70's etc are what is being released as the "new" fabrics for the season. I was absolutely in love with a lot of the vintage prints and would love some yardage in them. It just goes to show you - what is old is new again.
Tonight is our quilt guild meeting night - it's Tools and Gadgets night and I can't wait! It's one of my favorite nights of the guild year. I'm going to be demoing my Accuquilt Go! cutter and I am really looking forward to it. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. Does your quilt guild do a Tools and Gadgets night?
Happy Quilting all!
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