Ta Da!
This is what I was going for! It makes a really neat optical illusion when everything is placed correctly.
Many of you thought that the bottom row of pinwheels was incorrect; but, they were actually correct. Every first row has the pin-wheels going one way; and, every second row has the pinwheels going the other way. However, every first row SHOULD have had the 16-patches rotated a quarter turn so that the whites matched up and the colours matched up. Now that is not to say that you couldn't have it the other way - with the colour to the white and the whit to the colour - but I really wanted it to "float" like this. What do you think? Do you like it? I think that the other way would be really nice too (hmm maybe another leaders and enders project??) but I really like how the HST and the squares kind of look like spools this way. Tilt your head when you look at the picture and maybe you'll see what I mean.
6 of you guessed correctly that it was the 16-patches that were out of place. Most of you thought that I was going for the other setting though and not this one but that's ok! The pattern was in my head. So using a random number generator I pulled #2!!
haddie has left a new comment on your post "A Request and a Challenge!":
well I say Nothing Because if your consistent in the mistake then maybe it was meant to be!.. But if I had to guess the 16 patch should be turned so the one white square does not end up in the middle of the White triangles... Lovely work!!! Leaders and enders? And I also try to only buy Cnd as the shipping is horrible.
well I say Nothing Because if your consistent in the mistake then maybe it was meant to be!.. But if I had to guess the 16 patch should be turned so the one white square does not end up in the middle of the White triangles... Lovely work!!! Leaders and enders? And I also try to only buy Cnd as the shipping is horrible.
Haddie you are the winner!!! Congratulations!
And on another note I thought that I would share with you the outcome of the crazy shipping quote! I contacted the designer and quoted the shipping charge to her and she was shocked! She had no idea that her shipping charge to Canada was coming up like that and immediately worked to change it. She was absolutely lovely in her e-mails to me and thanked me for letting her know. Needless to say I have now ordered the pattern I wanted and have paid a much more reasonable $3.45 shipping charge.
All's well that ends well!
So, my Canadian friends, when you get a crazy quote like that please DO let the company know - they might not be aware that something like this is occurring! And, my US pattern/template/product designers/sellers, please check your shipping costs to Canada because you might just be losing business if your shipping charges are outrageous!
It's great when everything works out in the end isn't it?